Friday 13 June 2014

Self Defense Tips That Could Protect You from Common Attacks

Self Defense Tips

Self defense weapons and Self defense tips are the important priority for anyone because any can attack on you any time. Here are some tips for self defense protection that could help you to protect from any unknown attack. Learn and protect yourself.
  1. Get out of a zip tie: Zip ties are one of the most common restraint tools used by kidnappers, since they’re much cheaper than handcuffs. Using just your own body and some determination, you can force your way out of them.
  2. Stop someone from targeting you in an elevator by stopping at every floor.
  3. If you are in your home and someone tries to rob or attack on you.  Run to the kitchen because only you know that where you keep knives, spices, breakable plates which can become harmful weapon for you. If all else fails, just start screaming and throwing utensils and pans to create noise to alert neighbors.
  4. You should invest on Self Defense Weapons like Mace, Flat and Pointed Kubotan, Heart attack key chain, pocket whistles, Throwing  starts, Pen Knives etc  so you can use them when you are in need.
  5. Even if you’re not an athlete or trained in self-defense protection, you have the capabilities to fight someone off. Inexperienced fighters are prone to standing still, so remember to utilize all available body parts, like your knees, elbows, and legs.
  6. When you're in a problem, you only have a few moments and a few moves to try before the fight may be decided. Before an attacker has gained full control of you, you must do everything you can—conserving as much energy as possible—to inflict injury so you can get away. So aim for the parts of the body where you can do the most damage easily: the eyes, nose, ears, neck, groin, knee, and legs
  7. Do you have a can of pepper spray or mace lying in the bottom of your bag, but actually have no idea what to do with it in an emergency? So learn the right way to use of Mace.
  8. Know how to get out of a wrist hold. If someone grabs you by the wrist, pull your arm toward where their thumb and fingers meet (the weakest point of their grip).
  9. Unfortunately, ponytails and braids can make an easy route for someone to grab you from behind. If you’re able, put your hair down until you arrive at your destination.
Keep these points in your mind when you are alone and feel fear from any unknown attack. 


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